June 2020
Hayfever ruled for most of June, so I was less slightly productive than I wanted, although I found more time for sitting indoors reading.
Work is progressing with my clients, and online learning side-project. If you have a group of people who regularly do online video calls, and are interested in cognitive biases then give me a shout on Twitter for early access.
Edinburgh is opening up a little. I took a wander into town for the first time in months, and explored some of the back courts and paths. I have so much left to explore in the city! I finally meet up with some other people for socially distanced beers in the park. I am nervous about the quick re-opening, but was very grateful for the social company.

Next month I hope to get out and about a bit more - although I probably won’t be meeting anybody indoors for a while yet. Until then, it’s running, reading, photography and messing about on Twitter.
Reading and Listening
- 1619 Podcast from the New York Times
- Tools for Conviviality, Ivan Illich.
Twitter thread relating Ivan Illich to post-Corona city transformation - History has Begun, Brunco Maçães.
Twitter thread on the book and related news - Dreams of Leaving and Remaining, James Meek
- Finite and Infinite Games, James P. Carse
- The Choice, Edith Egar